
Simply Connected (Basic Access)

Kickstart your government contracting journey with Simply Connected (Basic), your complimentary gateway to the essentials of the industry. This tier is designed for those who are beginning their path or seeking to expand their knowledge without the commitment of advanced training.

What You'll Get:

  • Community Access: Connect with an engaged network of government contracting professionals and enthusiasts in a supportive environment.
  • Essential Resources: Explore a curated selection of resources to guide you through the basics of government contracting.
  • Event Invitations: Receive invitations to select events, offering a taste of the networking and learning experiences that our VIP members enjoy.
  • Introductory Insights: Gain access to introductory insights on trends and best practices in government contracting.
  • Networking Potential: Discover potential for growth through peer interactions within the community forums, fostering connections that could lead to future opportunities.

Enroll in Simply Connected (Basic) for free and start building the foundation for your growth in the government contracting community today.